Technical Wreck Diver

Program Description:
Build the necessary theoretical background and practice essential skills to do penetration wreck dives beyond decompression limits down to the depth of 51 meters using EANx mixes.
These usually are two mix dives, a bottom mix that is used throughout the dive and a deco mix that is used during decompression stops to increase efficiency and/or safety.
Equipment is increased and becomes specific to certain applications (Technical Equipment).
Great emphasis is put on line deployment and use.

5 to 6 days.

- Advanced EANx Diver and 100 logged dives, 30 of which at depths deeper than 30 meters or
- Advanced Open Water Diver, EANx Diver, 100 logged dives 30 of which at depths deeper than 30 meters and instructor’s approval.
- 18 years of age.

Next Possible Cources: Normoxic Trimix Diver, Trimix Diver, SCR or CCR Diver